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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Surgery - 3rd Edition

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery, 3rd Edition

This, the third edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery, reflects the changes which have occurred in general surgery over the seventeen years since the first edition was published.
Firstly, we have recruited the services of two new editors, a stark contrast to the original which was written by a single author with the assistance of a Surgical Registrar.
Secondly, each chapter has been written by a Specialist Consultant or Registrar in the subject and, therefore, presents a modern, state-of-the-art treatise on each topic.

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties, 7th Edition

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties, 7th Edition

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Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Specialties (7th Edition)

Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Medicine - 7th Edition

Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Medicine - 7th Edition

This book, written by junior doctors, is intended principally for medical students and house officers. The student becomes, imperceptibly, the house officer. For him we wrote this book not because we know so much, but because we know we remember so little. For the student the problem is not simply the quantity of information, but the diversity of places from which it is dispensed. Trailing eagerly behind the surgeon, the student is admonished never to forget alcohol withdrawal as a cause of post-operative confusion. The scrap of paper on which this is written spends a month in the white coat pocket before being lost for ever in the laundry. At different times, and in inconvenient places, a number of other causes may be presented to the student. Not only are these causes and aphorisms never brought together, but when, as a surgical house officer, the former student faces a confused patient, none is to hand.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Microsoft Word 2010 Advanced - Student Manual

Microsoft Word 2010 Advanced - Student Manual

Create form letters and mailings
Insert content from other applications
Work with macros
Customize the Word interface
Manage long documents
Design forms
Generate indexes and references
Use XML in Word documents

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Microsoft Word 2010 Student Manual

MICROSOFT® PowerPoint® 2010BASIC - Student Manual

MICROSOFT® PowerPoint®  2010BASIC - Student Manual

Create a presentation
Draw objects on a slide
Insert and modify WordArt, pictures and clip art images
Create SmartArt graphics
Use templates
Understand Slide Masters
Work with Transitions and Timing
Run a presentation

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Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 BASIC

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, 6th Edition - Longmore, Murray; Wilkinson, Ian B; Rajagopalan, Supraj R

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, 6th Edition - Longmore, Murray; Wilkinson, Ian B; Rajagopalan, Supraj R 

This book, written by junior doctors, is intended principally for medical students and house officers. The student becomes, imperceptibly, the house officer. For him we wrote this book not because we know so much, but because we know we remember so little. For the student the problem is not simply the quantity of information, but the diversity of places from which it is dispensed. Trailing eagerly behind the surgeon, the student is admonished never to forget alcohol withdrawal as a cause of post-operative confusion. The scrap of paper on which this is written spends a month in the white coat pocket before being lost forever in the laundry. At different times, and in inconvenient places, a number of other causes may be presented to the student. Not only are these causes and aphorisms never brought together, but when, as a surgical house officer, the former student faces a confused patient, none is to hand.

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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology, Second edition Drew Provan

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology, Second edition - Drew Provan.

This small volume is intended to provide the essential core knowledge required to assess patients with possible disorders of the blood, organise relevant investigations and initiate therapy where necessary. By reducing extraneous information as much as possible, and presenting key information for each topic, a basic understanding of the pathophysiology is provided  and  this,  we  hope,  will  stimulate  readers  to  follow  this  up  by consulting the larger haematology textbooks.

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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology, Second edition

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination and Practical Skills, 1st Edition - Thomas James, Monaghan Tanya

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination and Practical Skills, 1st Edition - Thomas James, Monaghan Tanya  

The first three chapters cover the basics of communication skills, history taking and general physical examination. Chapters 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 and 14 are divided by systems. In each of these there is a section on the common symptoms seen in that system, with the appropriate questions to ask the patient, details of how to examine parts of that system, and important patterns of disease presentation. Each of these system chapters is finished off with an ‘elderly patient’ page provided by Dr Richard Fuller. Following the systems, there are chapters on paediatric and psychiatric patients—something not found in many other books of this kind. The penultimate chapter—practical procedures—details all those tasks that junior doctors might be expected to perform. Finally, there is an extensive ‘data interpretation’ chapter which, whilst not exhaustive, tries to cover those topics such as ECG, ABG, and X-ray interpretation that may appear in a final ‘OSCE’ examination.

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Oxford Handbook Of Anaesthesia 2nd Edition

Oxford Handbook Of Anaesthesia 2nd Edition

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Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation - Drew Provan Andrew Krentz

Oxford Handbook of  Clinical and Laboratory  Investigation

By Drew Provan and Andrew Krentz

This book fills an obvious gap in the Handbook series and indeed a major lacuna in the medical literature. Too often investigations of a particular condition are lost in the welter of other text. Alternatively, they appear as specialist books in pathology and radiology. One unique feature of this book is the inclusion of all clinical investigative techniques, i.e. both truly clinical tests in the shape of symptoms and signs and then laboratory-based investigations. This stops what is often an artificial separation. Each section is clearly put together with the intent of easing rapid reference. This is essential if the book is to have (and I believe it does have) real use-fulness for bedside medicine. There are many other useful aspects of the text. These include a comprehensive list of abbreviations—the bugbear of medicine, as well as reference ranges which some laboratories still do not append to results. Overall, the Handbook should be of benefit to not just clinical students and junior doctors in training, but all who have patient contact. With this in one pocket, and Longmore in the other, there should be little excuse for errors in diagnosis and investigation, with the added
benefit that the balance between the two will allow the upright posture to be maintained.

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Oxford Handbook of Acute Medicine, 2nd Edition - Punit S Ramrakha and Kevin P Moore

Oxford Handbook of Acute Medicine, 2nd Edition

Punit S Ramrakha and Kevin P Moore.

Preface to the first edition
As every doctor soon discovers, the management of acute medical emergencies is the most demanding and stressful aspect of medical training. Most handbooks of clinical medicine can only go into general detail about the management of medical problems and the specific advice needed to manage acutely ill patients is usually insufficient in these texts.
The aim of this handbook is to give confidence to doctors to manage acute medical problems effectively and safely, and is intended to complement the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. Many books on acute medicine are written by senior staff, who have not been at the frontline for some time, and certain aspects of care are assumed or overlooked. This book was written by junior doctors with first-hand experience of the practical problems and dilemmas faced in casualty.
The layout of the book reflects clinical practice: assessment, differential diagnosis, immediate management, and some aspects of long-term therapy. We have included an extensive section on practical procedure as well as a section on pharmacotherapy to provide information on the use of certain common and unusual drugs to complement that provided the British National Formulary (BNF).
Throughout the book the text commonly exceeds that required for the management of specialist problems by the generalist. We make no apology for this. This is intended to provide the doctor with an understanding of specialist interventions so that they are more conversant with what is possible and what is happening to their patient.

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