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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Medicine - 7th Edition

Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Medicine - 7th Edition

This book, written by junior doctors, is intended principally for medical students and house officers. The student becomes, imperceptibly, the house officer. For him we wrote this book not because we know so much, but because we know we remember so little. For the student the problem is not simply the quantity of information, but the diversity of places from which it is dispensed. Trailing eagerly behind the surgeon, the student is admonished never to forget alcohol withdrawal as a cause of post-operative confusion. The scrap of paper on which this is written spends a month in the white coat pocket before being lost for ever in the laundry. At different times, and in inconvenient places, a number of other causes may be presented to the student. Not only are these causes and aphorisms never brought together, but when, as a surgical house officer, the former student faces a confused patient, none is to hand.

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1 comment:

  1. Concepts of clinical practice explained in this book are good and useful to diagnose complicated disorders.Helpful for freshers in there routine practice.
