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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Apress.Accelerated.C.Sharp - Trey Nash

About the Author
TREY NASH is a principal software engineer working on PC Bluetooth solutions at Cambridge Silicon Radio. Prior to that, he called Macromedia Inc. home for five years. At Macromedia, he worked on a cross-product engineering team for several years, designing solutions for a wide range of products throughout the company, including Flash and Fireworks. He specialized in COM/DCOM using C/C++/ATL until the .NET revolution. He’s been glued to computers ever since he scored his first, a TI-99/4A, when he was a mere 13 years old. He astounded his parents by turning a childhood obsession into a decent paying career, much to their dismay. Trey received his bachelor of science and his master of engineering degrees in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University. When he’s not sitting in front of a computer, you can find him working in his garage, honing his skills in card magic, playing his piano, brushing up on a foreign language (Russian and Icelandic are the current favorites), or playing ice hockey.

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