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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mastering Visual Basic .NET - Evangelos Petroutsos

Visual Basic .NET is released shortly after the tenth anniversary of the first version of VB. The original language that changed the landscape of computing has lasted for 10 years and has enabled more programmers to write Windows application than any other language. Programmers who invested in Visual Basic 10 years ago are in demand today. In the world of computing, however, things change very fast, including languages. At some point, they either die, or they evolve into something new. Visual Basic was a language designed primarily for developing Windows applications. It was a simple language, because it managed to hide many of the low-level details of the operating system. Those who wanted to do more with Visual Basic had to resort to Windows API. In a way, earlier versions of Visual Basic were ‘sandboxed’ to protect developers from scary details.

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