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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oxford Handbook of Acute Medicine, 2nd Edition - Punit S Ramrakha and Kevin P Moore

Oxford Handbook of Acute Medicine, 2nd Edition

Punit S Ramrakha and Kevin P Moore.

Preface to the first edition
As every doctor soon discovers, the management of acute medical emergencies is the most demanding and stressful aspect of medical training. Most handbooks of clinical medicine can only go into general detail about the management of medical problems and the specific advice needed to manage acutely ill patients is usually insufficient in these texts.
The aim of this handbook is to give confidence to doctors to manage acute medical problems effectively and safely, and is intended to complement the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. Many books on acute medicine are written by senior staff, who have not been at the frontline for some time, and certain aspects of care are assumed or overlooked. This book was written by junior doctors with first-hand experience of the practical problems and dilemmas faced in casualty.
The layout of the book reflects clinical practice: assessment, differential diagnosis, immediate management, and some aspects of long-term therapy. We have included an extensive section on practical procedure as well as a section on pharmacotherapy to provide information on the use of certain common and unusual drugs to complement that provided the British National Formulary (BNF).
Throughout the book the text commonly exceeds that required for the management of specialist problems by the generalist. We make no apology for this. This is intended to provide the doctor with an understanding of specialist interventions so that they are more conversant with what is possible and what is happening to their patient.

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